Friday, January 8, 2010

My To-Do List

Jen's To-Do reminder list for January:

1. Continue Lynn Viehl reviews with Dark Need, Darkyn book 3.
2. Talk about all the awesome Juliet Marillier books I've read lately.
3. Comb through my wishlist on BookMooch and update the Coming Soon list. My BM wishlist has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few months and while it is nowhere near the epic proportions of some members, it is 400+ books strong right now.
4. Post my favorite book of December but if you check out the list of books I read last month, it should be a no brainer.
5. Carry a notebook and pen on my person at all times - I can't remember anything anymore and I keep forgetting all the possible post ideas that pop into my head. *grumble*

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