Thursday, December 9, 2010

Reading Meme, Day Nine

Day Nine  Best scene ever

This one is easy. After I finished this book, I reread the last thirty pages or so with a big fat smile on my face. I am not going to quote any of it so I don't spoil it for those lucky suckers out there who have yet to discover Deanna Raybourn - and they are so in for a treat when they first read these books. The ending of Silent on the Moor, the third Lady Julia Grey novel, made me so happy that first time that I read it three times that night: twice to myself and the third out loud to my husband. (I don't think he got it.) The scene I'm picking here, however, is before the actual ending, taking place near the cottage, just after Brisbane prepares to walk away from Julia, you know, again. Obstinate men are such a pain.


Sweet Calliope said...

I know exactly which scene you are referring to and I did the same thing, having to reread it a couple of times. Silent on the Moor is one of the audiobooks I'm giving my mom for Christmas since she loved Silent in the Grave so much!

Jen said...

I hope she loves it! (Though I can't imagine she won't :)