Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Or is it Spock Lizard?

I am thisclose to completing my 2010 Finish That Series Challenge. Wednesday is the 29th, which gives me three days to complete Cold Moon Rising and Serpent Moon by C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp. Due to some required emergency housecleaning and a marathon of The Big Bang Theory dvds, I didn't get any reading done today. **sheepish**

I have to say, Adams' and Clamp's series is much better with Tony Giodone as the focus. When Tony is the main character, the books are in first person but when he's isn't, they're in third. It really does make a difference and I wonder why they did it that way.

Will I commit to any reading challenges in 2011? That's a big fat negatory. I am just contrary enough that even if I agree to read a particular book I'll automatically want to read something else. Yes, I am that stubborn.

Happy New Year everyone! Have fun and be safe!

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